
The stacks in red are generated by the compiler which is implemented by the procedural macros.

You can define your service by norpc::service macro which generates code in compile time. The generated code includes message type, client type and server-side Service type.

fn main() {
trait HelloWorld {
    fn hello(s: String) -> String;

Note that these types are runtime-agnostic which means you can write your own norpc runtime to run these codes for a specific case.

More Examples

Option or Result

You can return Option or Result types to propagate some failure back to the client.

fn main() {
trait YourService {
    fn read(id: u64) -> Option<Bytes>;
    fn write(id: u64, b: Bytes) -> Result<usize, ()>;


You can generate non-Send service by add ?Send parameter to norpc::service macro.

This is useful when you want to run the service in pinned thread.

fn main() {
trait YourService {
    // Rc<T> is !Send
    fn echo(s: Rc<String>) -> Rc<String>;